Monday 9 May 2022

I made pancakes today

 I made pancakes today.

Not after I had the most beautiful devotion listening to God's word at 4am (Thanks Brian of the Daily Audio Bible).

I made pancakes today.

I got into my w

orkout wear after my devotion to begin ny exercise for the day. Then oops, I remembered today was pancake day. 'I better get started', I thought and concurrently work out.

I made pancakes today.

I brought out my ingredients and utensils. I opened the tap to wash my utensils because those roaches are not loyal, but no water came out. Ugh

I made pancakes today.

Oh! It rained. I don't like rain. No no, not that I don't like rain but I don't like the consequences of rain. At least in Nigeria. Rain equals lack of power supply. Lack of power supply equal inability to pump water.

I made pancakes today.

Lack of water also means going late to work and school. How? The water heater will not work. We will all have to wait our turn at the gas cooker.

I made pancakes today.

Thankfully, there was still water in the tap outside. So we fetched, heated and had our baths.

I made pancakes today.

In the midst of the chaos, I opened Instagram and saw that Goodluck Jonathan is running for president under APC. Wow!

I made pancakes today.

It's 7:23am. We are all settled in school. God is always faithful.

Thankful that the pancakes were made in spite of it all. Pancakes make everybody happy.

Oops I forgot to add, the workout did not happen.

Have a great day ❤

Your favourite writer girl,