Sunday, 24 June 2018

My fallen fish

Sometimes, it happens that you do all you can and it still doesn't work out as you had hoped for. It sucks. It happens to the best of us. Life is tougher for some than others. It's not fair. But it's how life operates.

For me personally in dealing with situations like this, I try to remember the other things that could have gone wrong and didn't. It helps me stay sane and grateful. I also move on quickly from anything that has the slightest suggestion of negativity. Negativity is ugly. If you let it, it will breed.

I lost one of my fish last week (Fish farming is one my investments this year). This particular one was from a new stock and was growing so fast. They call them 'shooters'. I've planned how much I will collect for it🤣. Suddenly we noticed it had been bitten. We immediately took it out from the midst of the 'vultures.' It was being nursed back to health and it seemed it would survive. One week later, it gave up. We did all we could, it still died.

I had a moment of sadness, but then I immediately brushed it off else my entire day would have been ruined. I was immediately grateful I had hundreds left that were thriving. I also remembered a day that I lost about 80 fish when I first started. It could have been worse. So I'm grateful.

Your attitude to life determines the hand that it deals you. Always remember 'It could have been worse'. To someone somewhere you are GOALS.

In everything, God has your back. ❤ Have a positive outlook in this new week.

P.s A minute of silence for my fallen fish😂

Peace, love and fish peppersoup.

Your favourite writer girl,


Wednesday, 20 June 2018


I heard a strange voice calling out to me. I thought it was a dream till I opened my eyes and saw a woman standing over me. I was frightened and it took about 20 seconds to remember I was in my friend's house. She had told me her housekeeper would come to clean and cook. The woman wanted me to lock the door because she was leaving and showed me my food.

After she left, I freshened up and that's when I noticed my chain was missing. I dismissed it and thought I'd look for it later. I settled down for Netflix and forgot about it. When my friend got back, I mentioned I didn't see my chain. She said "Oh my husband locked it in the safe before we left. You were still sleeping." I didn't know when I blurted out, "Your husband did whattttttt?"😂. I wanted to laugh and roll on the floor. Then she said 'Even though we trust the housekeeper, we didn't want to tempt her with something so valuable. This is gold we are talking about.'

It was funny because this was my GL chain I got for about N2000 ($5, £4). The value they placed on me was transposed to the chain. It had a great value to them because it was ME who was putting it on. I determine the value people place on me and things related to me.

Boeing 747 is the Bristish Airways plane that flies the Lagos-london route while Boeing 747-200B series plane is the one that carries the president of the United States of America (POTUS). The 747-200B series is referred to as AIR FORCE ONE and the former just an aircraft. Any plane the President steps into becomes AIR FORCE ONE (Boeing 707, Boeing VC-25). It is the presence of the POTUS that determines what aircraft becomes AIR FORCE ONE not the design or structure of the aircraft. In simply English, any aircraft can be AIR FORCE ONE so long the POTUS is on board.

The value you place on yourself is what others will place on you. You can set trends with the cheap things you think you have. I left my friend's house with a new sense of understanding. I am enough and people will value me for being me. I carry Jesus. I am a child of God. So even when I'm on a bike, that bike becomes AIR FORCE ONE. When I'm on the train, it becomes AIR FORCE ONE. When I enter my car, it becomes AIR FORCE ONE. I make the difference. People will see me and still applaud because it is I they have placed value on not necessarily the things I have.

Go forth understanding that you are valuable and whatever you touch turns to gold. You are valuable!

Peace, love and sunshine.

Your favourite writer girl,

Monday, 11 June 2018


I g
ot a BBM notification and so I opened the app and saw it was a message from an acquaintance. It read "I have a makeup job for ypu". He is a photographer and assumed I was a professional makeup artist because of how my face was always done.
I was about to decline when I remembered how badly I could do with some extra cash. To complicate matters, he wanted me to makeup a bride-to-be for her prewedding who was not living in Nigeria. She was coming for the sole purpose of the shoot.
Since I was/am not a makeup artist, I only had/have products in my colour. I started to pray we would have the same skin tone. I took my makeup purse to work the next day and sneaked out to meet them at the location. She was my exact colour! I did the makeup and they  LOVED it. The groom was so grateful. They paid me N10,000. I almost collapsed from excitement.
Makeup as an art is one of my giftings as I've never learnt professionally (I did wedding makeup for my aunty when I was in JSS 2) and I believe it was necessary for THAT season.
As much as I still want to learn professionally, I simply do not have the time to make a living out of it. At least not now. But was that gift necessary at a certain point? Yes.
We all have numerous giftings but it would be plain disaster to try to function in all areas at the same time and perform excellently. Some gifts are for some seasons.
I found my mama's old business card. She once ran an event planning business. She would even hire bridesmaids🤣😂 (my friends and I suffered that time). She handled decor, food and everything. And she was good at it. But that season ended and another began. Her 'wedding planner' gift helped the family in that season. Adding that to her plate now would be a complete disaster.
God wants you to use ALL your gifts and He will provide opportunities for you to use them at DIFFERENT points not at the same time. Pray for discernment to know the gift God is calling you to express for the season. There are however some primary gifts which you will carry throughout your lifetime. Look out for it. Don't miss it.
P.s Check out my mama's wig😍😍😍
Your favourite writer girl,


Friday, 1 June 2018

Black panther: shoe them who you are

“Show them who you are”, Ramonda the queen mother called out to her son T’Challa, the Black Panther. He had being in a ritual battle with M’Baku for the crown. It had seemed that the ceremony would proceed without a battle as no tribe challenged the choice of T’Challa until the Jabari’s tribe leader, M’Baku showed up unannounced and ready for battle.
I believe he caught T’Challa off guard as he really threw some great punches that knocked the self-acclaimed ‘Black Panther’ out many times.  I was disappointed. He was just a pretty boy with no spine after all. They got to a cliff and it looked like M’Baku was going to end him and that was when his mother called out to him. I believe it was then he understood the gravity of what was at stake. His family would lose the throne. His tribe, as well as other tribes who formed Wakanda and who had been leaders would have to submit to Jabari. Other tribes would definitely break out from the Unified Wakanda, a legacy his father had proudly left behind. Somehow he found the strength to confront the adversity that stood in front of him. Not just for himself but for the thousands of people who were counting on him. This was from one of the scenes from the movie, ‘Black Panther.’

Phillip was an ordinary deacon in Jerusalem and was very content with that position until Saul, the unannounced adversity began to attack the church. He killed Stephen who was also a deacon and attacked many others from their homes. This caused many people to migrate including Phillip. They were forced to move, so to speak, to save their lives. Phillip moved to Samaria and the responsibility of being the apostle over the people in Samaria inadvertently fell on him. Prior to this, his duties involved sharing food to orphans and widows. Now in Samaria, he was preaching, healing the sick and performing miracles. Things he never knew he had in him but which the situation forced out of him.
One of Phillip’s major achievement was leading Simon, the magician to Christ. Before Phillip moved to Samaria Simon had dazzled the people with magic and had a large following. He not only believed in the gospel of Christ but got baptized by Phillip. This meant that all his followers automatically became Christians too.

There was also an Ethiopian eunuch of great authority under Candace the queen of Ethiopia who was in charge of all her treasures. Phillip through the leading of the Holy Spirit ministered the gospel of Jesus to him and also baptized him. I believe he in turn must have gone to Ethiopia to spread the good news. If Phillip had not taken charge of an unanticipated adversity and situation, how would he have met an important personality from Ethiopia? He was in Samaria but through him, the gospel got to Ethiopia. Sometimes, the adversity is not about you. Destinies are connected to the fulfilment of your own destiny.

Phillip’s own daughters, I believe by their father’s influence began to prophecy. They were just ‘women’ but they are an example of a rich history of female leadership. It was the great apostle Paul who spoke about their gifts with such high regard. Their father, through his own discomfort, had sown seeds of greatness in them. The ministry of Phillip’s daughters may never have come to fruition had he not carried out his. We must never forget that we cannot afford to give in because of adversity because other people’s assignments depends on the success of our own assignment.

The move to Samaria could not have been easy for Phillip. Leaving everything you know, investments, family and friends and moving to a less glamorous settlement, it must have been painful. Some things will however not happen for you until there is a shift, whether forced or willing. Jerusalem was safe and comfortable and he was a great deacon but it was not until he was forced to relocate that he became more. It reminds me of when I had to shut down my business in Abuja and make the difficult decision to relocate to Kaduna after the demise of my marriage. I did not know what to expect but I believed God was leading me and I just followed. In a little over a year that I moved, this ordinary 27-year old divorced girl bagged another degree, published her book which has been sold in 4 continents of the world, and got several speaking and writing engagements. The greatest blessing for me however is the hundreds of messages I receive from people telling me how my story has inspires them to live their best lives and how it is okay to start over. Who would have thought? The move doesn’t necessarily have to be physical. Sometimes, God may just want you to have a shift in your mindset. He wants you to see the beauty in the chaos. Comfort is overrated. We all need a push to discover what we are capable of.

Adversity will show you who you really are, what you are capable of and the things you did not even know about yourself. Adversity is a good thing. Adversity is the time to show the world who you are and what you carry and not to cower. Remember, God gives the toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. God will not give his big assignments to irresponsible servants or people who have not proved themselves (remember Phillip was a diligent deacon), and so when adversity comes your way, it is God’s way of saying He trusts you to deliver. He knows who you are. He knows that: I am strong. I am capable. Nothing catches me by surprise. I am graced for whatever comes my way. I am a child of God. I have control over my emotions. I have a sound mind. I have the authority of Jesus. He knows that I can handle whatever He sends my way for his glory to be seen by all.

When adversity comes as it will, God will be in the background cheering you on and screaming, ‘Show them who you are.’ Such a show-off.
Who are you?

*NB- Bible passages considered include Acts 8:1-40 , Acts 6:3-7 and Acts 21:9

Your favourite writer girl,


P.s. share and be a blessing.