Tuesday 4 September 2018

Just show up

Gun shots blasting!!!! I dived into a nearby bush. My heart was pounding. I could feel the bullet coming towards my direction. I can't survive this.

Chileeeee! This was how I felt the first time I appeared in court. Feet shaking even though I was on flats and head pounding, I walked into the dreaded room. It felt like a war zone.

Family and friends had offered to go with me but I declined. Some battles you have to confront by yourself with God while the village stays back covering you in prayers.

The fight for your sanity, to get over depression, for your life, for your freedom, for your deliverance, for addiction, for your academics, for your purpose requires that YOU face it headlong. And God has promised that if you show up ready for war, then He will be right by your side to help you. Trust me, you won't have to go through it alone.

I showed up -Shaken. I showed up -Afraid. I showed up -Weak. I showed up - Vulnerable. What mattered was that I showed up and then He too showed up.

"There is nothing to fear, for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, Yes, I will help you..." Isaiah 41:10 Joyce Meyer Amp Bible.

Can I join my faith to yours and trust that you will show up ready to confront those demons?

You will never walk alone.

Your favourite writer girl,

Peace, love and war ammunition,


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