Monday, 29 October 2018

You are SOMEONE.

I did an introduction of myself sometime ago on my social media pages for the new followers that had just followed me.

On one of the platforms, someone was concerned that I did not have 'Wife' in the list. He was concerned he did not see a mention of husband anywhere. He was worried I might be another feminist from the lineage of Chimamanda. Another asked 'When are you getting married?'

It did not matter that I had 3 degrees.

It did not matter that I had worked in print media.

It did not matter that I deprive myself of sleep on most nights to continually put out content on social media that edifies because that is my ministry.

It did not matter that I wrote a book that not only reached 5 continents but sold out and is now published on bambooks to be read online. #31Mornings

It did not matter that I am the School Administrator of a mega institution.

It did not matter that I have a teenagers' ministry.

It did not matter that I hosted my first solo event and people actually turned up.

It did not matter that I single-handedly provide and raise my child.

It did not matter that I am a worshipper and God uses me to heal people through songs and writing.

While being a wife is great (and I will be one some day because I desire it); you have to be SOMEONE first. I say this without apologies; you were not born to be a wife or a husband.

You were born with a purpose and a mandate that should be fulfilled. Getting married, having kids, having siblings; are ADDED blessings from God but they should not take away the core of who you are.

Before you are a wife/husband, father/mother, sister/brother; you are SOMEONE. If you do not pour into yourself first and discover who you are, you can't function in any of the above mentioned roles effectively.

Be someone.

Peace, Love and self discovery,

Your favourite writer girl,


* P.s if it blesses you, then hit the share button. 😘

Monday, 22 October 2018

Kaduna crisis and how you should live your best life.

 " I'm going to wear my new top tomorrow", I boldy declared to bestie. "Let's go and visit Mrs X now because I want to have my Sunday afternoon sleep and be ready for the long week ahead". I said. "So you finished all that kunu without giving me", I said to him again as I silently planned my revenge.

"Let us park and walk the rest of the way" bestie said as we approached Mrs X's house. We did. It was a lovely visit filled with good humour and laughter. We walked back to the car and drove off to meet up with the fam.

More laughter and jokes. Even my good ol' wig was not spared in the diss. Quick hugs, we all went our separate ways with a promise to see each other later.

Phone rings! 'Kaduna is on fire.' Another religious crisis. Phew! Panic as the fam was on the way back to their base. Next news, one of them was stabbed and alone. Others had escaped and were safe. Next news: '24 hour curfew.' We could not go to them, they could not come to us. The ertswhile laughter was replaced with tears of sorrow.

Good Samaritan manages to get the injured to a hospital. He is fine. We are grateful for the goodness of God. We are sad for the ones we know personally who were not lucky. Like us, they had plans for tomorrow, which is the today they never saw.

I did not get to wear my new top today, there is no 'long' week ahead of me as I am currently indoors instead of working. I am not thinking of how to punish bestie for drinking kunu without giving me. What I would give for 'small' blessings like taking a walk without fear?

It's funny how in the blink of an eye, EVERYTHING can change. It's why I live my life to be ridiculously happy and fulfilled. Tomorrow is not promised. Do the things you want to do now, today! Dress like it's a party, Love like a teenager, Travel if you have the means. Whatever you do, live your best life.


Peace, peace and more Peace,

Your favourite writer girl,


Thursday, 4 October 2018

What do you do with unripe mangoes?

Still with my stinking morning breath, unwashed body and scattered hair, I got on a bus. As I sat, I let the tears flow freely causing stares from my fellow passengers.

It was not the bruises or the pain on my body that made me shed tears. It was the pain in my heart. 'When will this end God?', I asked my maker. I was tired of feeling the way I did. I needed for my heart to be unburdened. Even if it was just for a second.

The tears stopped flowing while we journeyed but my heart continued to break inside. I wanted to go very far away. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why are tares sowed among the wheat? Doesn't God have the power to take away the pain? To remove the the tares?

He does. But there's sometime dangerous about using a shortcut to your destiny. If you refuse to endure the process of maturity, you will come out undone. Thereby being useless to yourself and the world at large and ending up being destroyed. Imagine plucking mango from the tree and discovering it is not yet ripe. What would you do? Throw it away!

In the parable of the wheat and tares, when the servants asked the master to uproot the weed, He said ‘...No; because as you pull out the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them...let them grow harvest time the weeds will be burned' MATTHEW 13:29 AMP.

As you pull out of the process, no matter how much you had endured before, you may also be pulling out of the goodness and harvest that was to follow.

Go through your pain and during harvest, you would see that the tares helped you to be stronger. I went through mine and came out standing. I'm grateful for that pain, it birthed purpose. Don't give up. Harvest is around the corner. Soon you will see all that had persecuted you burn to the ground.

Peace, love and sunshine.

Your favourite writer girl,
