Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Nobody owes you anything

It was supposed to be a relaxing holiday. I had fun catching up on everything I had missed in 3 months. As usual, we slept very late. I was only beginning to enjoy my sleep at about 5am before I was rudely awakened. I was disillusioned and it took a couple of minutes to get back to reality. It was my mum. She said 'Quickly go and bath, we are going to school'. Huh? 'But I'm on holiday. I want to rest. I will try and visit from next week. She replied 'so how are you going to buy all the things you need for school?' Eyes cleared properly at this time. 'How?' I asked. 'Well, you will be earning a salary in school and that's what you will use to buy your school things. Nobody has money to be sharing around' she finally declared.

This was how my journey into the family owned business started about 13 years ago. I went from teaching Kindergarten to every primary class and then every secondary class and then administration. When I tell people I have over 12 years experience in teaching and I'm only 26, they can't seem to understand. Well that's because my mother employed me and put me on salary while I was still in secondary school. It taught me to be prudent, independent and value money. I worked every holiday because I knew nobody owed me anything.

Too many people have this ENTITLEMENT SPIRIT. They expect people to do things for them just because they asked. Newsflash! Nobody owes you anything. NOT even your parents. Your parents sent you to school? It's a privilege. You're not better than those hawking.

Between the periods 2013-2016 when I went through my toughest financial season, I did EVERYTHING I could to survive. I could have easily called my parents to come to my rescue (and I did a few times especially when it bothered on my health) but for the most part, I worked it out. I sold my shoes online, I sold chin chin, I sold frozen carrots and green beans, I did transport business with school kids, etc. No aunty or uncle can ever say I called them to ask for help. Because hey! They have their own issues too. Take responsibility for yourself.

I do not want to put this lady on blast which is why I have hidden her details. This is the situation of most youths. Let's forget that this lady's first communication with me was to ask me 'u lesb?' about a month ago. Then a day after I gave out recharge cards, she sends a message asking to send her airtime. I did not have to give her, I was not obligated to, I am not owing her, I do not know her and so I said nothing. Next day, she's attacking me in the comments and said to stop preaching kindness and deceiving people on social media. And then had the effontery to still send me a private message. And I did not say ANYTHING (Please appreciate the HolySpirit for His work in my life)🤔🙄 You do not even know THE HALF of the things I do for people. I always have words to say but at that moment I had no words (thanks to all who helped straighten her up).

And yes, there are more than a thousand things students can do to make money ( I sold foreign newspapers in Uni). You are responsible for yourself. Stop passing off your responsibilities. Everything you need to succeed has been given to you. If people help you, great! If they don't, it's fine. Your success story will even be sweeter. And please don't go around attacking people if they don't especially when you don't know them.

Peace, love and a sense of responsibility,


P.s This is why you should come to the hangout on the 2nd of February. Loads of surprises. Xx Thank you to Edric Paul for doing the graphic for this event. God bless you. If you would like to volunteer for this event, Please DM me.

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