Monday, 21 May 2018

You are a fighter

Do I like to sit 6 hours plus braiding my hair? No. Do I like how I look after braiding my hair? Yes.

Do i genuinely love salads more than cake? No. Do I like Joselyn Dumas' waist? Yes.

Would I rather sleep in than go out in the scorching sun to hustle? Yes. But do I enjoy being broke? No.

Is it easier to give people a piece of mind and tear them to shreds when they have stepped out of line? Yes. Is it what Jesus would want me to do? No.

Is it easier to be bitter and resentful to people who have hurt us? Yes. Does it make us feel better? No.

Is sin sweet? Yes. Did Jesus die for us to keep throwing His love back at Him? No.

Will the process be hard? Yes. Will your future be assured? YES! YES! YES!

We don't let our feelings and emotions dictate how we should act. We do what needs to be done whether we like it or not because of the promised future.

Go and do what needs to be done this week and smash those goals. You'd be happy you did when the results start showing. Xx

You are a fighter. Do not give up now. You can do hard things. 😘 Tag a fighter.

Peace, love and sunshine.

Your favourite writer girl,


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