Tuesday, 11 December 2018


A S D F SPACE COLUMN L K J. No I'm not talking jargon. This is the first lesson in typewriting. For the right hand; the pinky finger on letter A, the ring finger on S, the middle finger on D, the index finger on F and the thumb on the SPACE BAR. The next set of instructions are for the right hand.

I know this because my father made my brother and I attend Typewriting classes every holiday. It was annoying. The instructor was stern. We resumed at 8am and closed by 3pm. My father was determined to equip us with the right skills for the future. The future is here and no one uses a typewriter. My smartphone does the same job a computer would do today.

It was with pride my mother handed me a diskette that contained her final year project. It was a dream of hers to show it to her child. I never saw its content because the world now has a new means of storage- flash drives and hard drives. Diskette makers are either out of jobs or have had to evolve.

Pen pals were the happening things in my secondary school days. We would write letters to people we knew or didn't know in far away places. Now a facebook message would do.

Growing up, young girls had the idea of a tall, dark and handsome man as the perfect dream man. Now we see that it was only an illusion. Perfect gentlemen come in tall, short, chubby, slender, dark, fair, chocolatey, handsome, not-so-handsome, just-there handsome versions.

In the past, we needed to study a lot of books to answer simple questions. Now, a simple google search would do.

Even in Bible study! We needed to memorize a lot of scriptures. We should still do. But a quick search on google and the verse in need comes up. We can carry 20 translations of the Bible in one smartphone today too.

You can actually sit in your room now, attend online courses and get a degree. The future is here.

Now we hear and have seen robots who now handle basic human responsiblities. In the next 10 years, many people will be out of jobs.

You can actually pound yam with a food processor. Yes, it comes out perfect

My point is, the world is evolving and you must evolve with it. Upgrade yourself. Don't be comfortable with what seems normal now because the future that is now is going to be extinct tomorrow. Learn new skills, take new courses, keep striving to become a better version of yourself. In summary, UPGRADE.

Peace, love and sunshine.

Your favourite writer girl,


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