Monday, 18 February 2019

Àanu Oluwa Kìítan

'No mummy, you can't give out this one', Nifemi protested vehememtly. I had brought out a pair of one of my newest shoes and I told her that God laid it in my heart to give it to someone. She proceeded to rummage through my shoe rack and brought out a pair that is almost giving way. 'Take this and give it out', she said. 'But it's old', I replied. 'Yes, that's why you should give it out'. Sigh. Then I began to give a pep talk on how God loves us to give and to give the best. She was not fully convinced but she gave up and went to bed. By morning, she saw I had packed it up and she went, 'so you disobeyed me?' 😂😂😂

On our drive out that day I kept smiling to myself. It was only a few years ago that I sold my shoes on Instagram and Facebook (You will remember) in order to buy food for Nifemi. I allowed people come to my home to buy my personal belongings at ridiculous prices to raise money. I, THE LOVE OMORAIYEWA. This same me!!! I hand cut vegetables for many nights, packed in containers and went to drop at supermarkets to make ends meet. I almost forced all of you to buy coconut oil and you came through. I sold chinchin! I proudly wore hand-me-downs from my friends. I was just happy to have 'new' clothes.

It is this same me who God has decorated for his glory. He gave me the best family. The best husband. A beautiful ministry. Amazing gifts that I have bot even finished discovering. A beautiful life that is not perfect but that I am content with. Hunger is not my problem today and it will never be again in Jesus name.

I kept turning and tossing as I watched my gorgeous husband and daughter sleep this night and I said to myself 'ÀANU OLUWA KÌÍTAN' (The mercies of the Lord are never ending).

He changed my story. He gave me a new new name. Look at me and know that there is a God and even when the storm rages, he has promised he will be with us at every step of the way.

Share with me your #ÀanuOluwaKìítan story in the comment section
Let us know how God came through for you and encourage someone not to give up.

Peace, love, and doses of His mercy,

Your favourite writer,


P.S If it blesses you, share with others.

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Project ONE

"Love Ebunlola Omoraiyewa, please come forward", my professor said. The girl from Kaduna had found herself at the University of Westminster (arguably the best media University in the UK). "Clamp clamp clamp" my boots introduced me as I found my way to the front of the class. It was my turn to present and I was nervous.

I had my First degree in a Federal University in Nigeria where you automatically failed if you did not purchase the lecturer's personal handout/ textbook. We never used or saw any computers and we wrote examinations on ICT. It was a system where the lecturer would misplace your examination script and you would be made to carry the course over to the next year. In that school, you would be lucky if a lecturer showed up twice during the session. But I am grateful for parents who invested in me. I attended the best Nur/ Pry and Secondary schools, so I had a good foundation.

At the time in that university, I was the only one who owned a laptop in my hostel block (over 100 occupants). People took turns to borrow my laptop. This was still privilege. In Nigeria, many people do not even attain this level od education.

My dad bought me academic books in my field from the popular Water Side bookshop in the UK. I was in their midst but I studied like an international student. I had more than enough resources.
After graduation, I was enrolled at an ICT institution and then I won a scholarship for a 3 months course by the World Bank. This further broadened my horizon.

Getting to the UK and being the only African and Nigerian in my class did not faze me. I knew I could compete with these people. I was very confident even when they would laugh at my Nigerian accent 😂

I approached the presentation table and set up the projector like a bawse😎 (I had never used a projector before then). I was very confident in my research. I had put in the work. Everyone paid rapt attention. I finished and was not afraid to take questions. I answered every single one of them. I was given a very loud applause. At the end of the day, I ran into my prof and he said to me "Yours was my favourite". I did a back flip in my mind. I felt like it was a personal victory not just for me but for Nigeria considering all the nations represented. By the end of the week, the results were released on our portal. I had the highest score and a distinction. YES!!! #WeGlobalNow

Education is one of my greatest assets. It has opened many doors I never thought was possible. This is why #ProjectOne is very dear to my heart. Every child deserves decent basic education and YOU can give ONE child that. Let God use you😘. You will be kept abreast with the progress of the child.

Please see flier for all the details.

Thank you to all who reached out to me and declared interest in sponsoring a child after my last post. I am truly grateful.

Peace, love and sunshine

Your favourite writer girl,

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

My wedding Vows

I call you Ayobami because you are all the joy my life needed. It's been 290 days, approximately 6, 936 hours, 416, 160 minutes and 24, 969, 600 seconds since we began this journey.
In this time, you have shown me that the God-kind of  love exists. You have loved me more than you have loved yourself. You have prayed with me and on me. You have been strong for me when I could not even be strong for myself. Not once have you ever let me down.
Your love for God is so pure and unreal. Sometimes I pinch myself and I cannot believe you're all mine. Me sef, I know say I don hammer. I got the man of my dreams. You are my answered prayer. My proof that God exists.
Thank you for holding on even when I pushed you away. Thank you for lovinv me intentionally; with patience and consistency. Thank you for loving my family. Thank you for waiting. Thank you for making our purity a priority. Thank you for being my steady suya supplier.😉
I promise to always be at your side, cheering you on and loving you to life. I promise to submit to you and find one thousand ways to love you. And when I have exhausted that, I will find more.
Thank you for your love. I love you. Anya
*My personal wedding vows to my husband read and delivered on the 2nd of February, 2019.

Friday, 8 February 2019


" You get sense so?". My mind which had drifted away was abruptly brought back to consciousness as I listened to the banter between my cab driver and a street urchin as we were stuck in traffic. The young lad had tried to earn a few bucks by cleaning the windscreen of the cab with his handmade screen cleaner which had been infused with detergent. "If I no get sense, no be here I go dey, na hospital you go see me", the young boy shouted back angrily as he wiped the detergent he had already put. The cab man, old enough to be his grandpa replied "Get out!". The boy retorted, "You too get out! Just talk say you no get money".

The boy walked away to other vehicles. About a minute later, he returned back with a N500 note and went by the driver's window to taunt him; "see wetin your mate give me". Just then the traffic light turned green and we had to move.

This is Nigeria! This is life! Everywhere hustle! I admired his tenacity (although laced with bad manners) but he had to survive. He was of Primary school age and should have been in school yet there he was hustling during school hours.

I was reminded of my desire to get all kids who should be in school off the streets but I immediately felt demoralized. There are millions of them across Nigeria. UNICEF reports that 13.1 million children who should be in school are on the streets. But I can start with ONE. And that ONE can go on to empower another. Children should be taught that they can be creators of wealth and not jubilate over a meagre N500 😣.

Redemption Academy gives at least 3 FULL scholarships every year and this year, my husband and I would be getting at least one child off the streets. If I start with ONE, you start with ONE and another starts with ONE; surely the goal is attainable. #ProjectONE

Do something for someone who is not in a position to pay you back. This is what true love should looks like. This is the God kind of love. He laid down his life for people who not only did not deserve it but who could not pay back. If you would like to start with ONE, do let me know.

Happy Almost- Valentines- Day.

Peace, love and sunshine.

Your favourite writer girl,