Monday, 23 October 2017

Where is your hammer?

You know how the Israelites always troubled God? 😂 Well, one time like that (12th Century BC *Yes, I researched), God was so upset with them that he sold them to Jabin, the King of Canaan. To make matters worse, he had one mean commander called Sisera. Jabin had 900 freaking chariots of iron 🙄🙄 and oppressed and bullied the Israelites for 20 YEARS (🙉 You don't want to get on the wrong side of God).

Anyway, God finally had mercy on them. So He instructed the Israelites to form a 10,000 man army and it was to be led by Barak. They had to fight for their freedom after 20 long years.

So Barak led the army of Israel and Sisera led the army of Canaan. Because God was on their side, the Israelites won (You really need God on your side). Sisera however escaped on foot.

This is where the gist is. So he escaped to a family friend's house called Heber. He met his wife, Jael at home. In the past, Heber and his wife were friendly with both the people of Canaan and Israel. But I guess Jael decided to pick a side (there are no grey areas. It's either black or white). She chose to stand with Israel. Sisera really thought Jael was harmless. After all, she was just a housewife. What can a house wife do abi? He made himself very comfortable sef. He asked for water, she gave him milk instead (Tells us she was not a lazy woman, she must have milked the cow herself. God will not entrust his assignment to an irresponsible and lazy person). He drank milk and slept 😅 Commander of life !!!

Jael was the queen of savage😎 The babe for a hammer and a nail (meaning she KNEW how to use those tools to probably fix things since her husband was mostly out. What can a housewife do abi?). She set the nail on his head and used the hammer to run the nail from his head to the ground 😲 (do I still need to write that he died instantly? 😛)

She had been using her hammer to fix things in her house, who would have thought that the same hammer would totally deliver Israel? She fulfilled her purpose right in her home not anywhere else. You are planted where you are for a reason. Your hands are meant for more. We are told their home was very far from where everyone lived yet God used her there.

One woman saved a whole nation! With one hammer and nail! Ees like you don't know how powerful you are. So I'm asking you, where is hammer?

What is that gift or skill God has placed in your hands to deliver nations? That hammer can be your education, voice, confidence, beauty, intellect, friendly nature, business acumen, acting skills, photography skills and yes, your past too. He can use anyone and anything. All her day's of fixing things in her home finally paid off. All your life's experiences is propelling to your purpose.

Find your hammer and use it.

Peace, love and finding purpose,

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