Friday, 27 April 2018

PUMA is what you call PUMA

I lost my shoes todayπŸ™ˆ It's even more embarrassing to say I lost it at the market. I had gone to the market from the office and my shoes were not market friendly.

Could I have managed it? YES! but then I saw PUMA slippers of lifeπŸ˜‚ As per 'Designer babe lomo confirm', I paid for the slippers. I kid! I actually didn't know 'PUMA' was what was written on my N600 slippers. Trust my beloved Nigerians to bring you counterfeit products at great prices 🀣. I actually saw the seller with different designs and the shoes on my feet suddenly felt too tight. The #Ojukokoro in me was ignited. Sigh. I put my shoes in the polythene bag and waltzed away in my PUMA.

It was temporary pleasure. I would never pick the 'PUMA' over my nameless flat spiked shoe.😏 As I was about to get into the car, after the euphoria of my new slippers had cleared, I asked, 'Where are my shoes?'. I went into way too many shops, I could not even begin to figure out where it could be plus I was running late. I'm back home with my slippers but no shoes.

I pray that you do not lose out on what's important because of a facade that glitters. They will fade. Hold on to what is true. To what is real. Stick to he who has proved himself than to a sweet tongued fairy tale that cannot stand the test of time.

Does it feel right? Is your heart at peace? Do you laugh for no reason? Does it/he/she make you happy? Does it/he/she make you better? If YES, then go ahead with it and silent the 'buts'. Yes it may be uncomfortable now but remember that shoes expand with more usage. Would you rather end with a fake PUMA? πŸ™„. An 'original' PUMA sef may not be for you. God may be calling to be a brand of your own. Don't sell yourself short by taking on an identity that is not yours.

Don't be an ojukokoro. Treasure what you have. PUMA is what YOU call PUMA. ADIDAS is what YOU call ADIDAS. In my eyes, my Honda is a Bentley #ArgueWithYourBrother πŸ˜‹

P.s I still plan to go back to look for my shoes. I hope it's not too late.

Peace, love and sunshine.

Your favourite writer girl,


You amaze me

The best friend and I wrote this song together and we are super duper excited to have it featured on
Mama, look at how we made it😁😁😁😁. Our song 'You amaze Me' is at Number 4 on today. We are the only gospel track also. Yikes!!!!! Apparently our song is one of the HOTTEST song at the moment #WeAreTheMovement #JesusTiTakeover Gifted Ehi Sammy

You can download via this link

Thursday, 26 April 2018

You are only as good as what you put on the inside

I started to drink more water, my skin began to pop. It didn't take too long for me to realize that what I put on the inside determined the results I got on the outside. I make a decision daily to be intentional about what goes into my mind, body and spirit because I am a reflection of them on the outside.
No one was taking responsibility for one particular flower pot in the school premises. It was most often overlooked and forgotten perhaps because of its location. Because the other flowers were blossoming, the Director (aka my mother) asked Mr. Sunday (The person that makes things happen) to uproot the root so we could plant another. We had concluded that this specie was dysfunctional.
Mr. Sunday did not uproot it. He built a faux hedge made with an old carton and barb wires around it. This was to prevent people from touching it and disturbing it's growth. He watered it religiously and ensured it had its fair share of sunlight. After a few weeks, he took out the hedge and I was speechless. I saw some sprouts and today, it's a full flower pot.
What you pour into yourself and what others pour into you are important.
Do you believe enough in yourself to sow the right seeds? To speak positive things in contrary situations. To take care of your body because you deserve it. To continually develop yourself in your field of interest. To invest in yourself. To drink water and ditch soda. To have a relationship with God.
How about your relationships? Does your circle 'water' you to get the best out of you? Do your friends push you to greatness? Do they protect you when you are vulnerable? What are you being fed with? Your circle should carry the same fire as you, so that when you need It, you can be reignited.
Be intentional about the people you grant access to your life. They can make or mar you. They have unhindered access to your mind. And you are a product of what goes on within. Guard your heart.
Anything (good or bad) can grow when watered.❤
P.s. I don't have a picture of the faux hedge because I didn't even believe anything could come out of itπŸ™ˆ. You should never give up on anybody, with a little nurturing, things could turn around.
Peace, love and sunshine,


Tuesday, 17 April 2018

God is always on purpose

I saw the hesitant look in his eyes. He was about to break my heart all over again. I knew what he was about to say. I prayed that he would not say the words but just hand me the envelope.

As I stretched my hands to collect it, the words fell out of his mouth. 'I'm sorry, it's still negative'. I sat in the very hot car that had been microwaved by the sun, took the glasses up and cried and screamed. I added the result to the many others in th box. I had been visiting a Laboratory secretly every week for many weeks. The Lab. Sci. began to take pity on me, I knew I had to stop. I stopped crying, drove to a Fast Food and ordered everything unhealthy. I was eating and driving. I would break into a cry and few minutes later, I would begin to laugh hysterically. Off went that plan. I thought another child would make things better.

I recognized it. I was spiralling into depression. Again. I had not been sleeping. I spent most nights keeping vigil for when he was deep in sleep so I could steal his phone and hope that my mind would not forget the new pattern password he had. The one I pretended not to see. My mind never failed me. And each night, my heart was left more broken than before. There was the night I finally stole her number from his phone. For weeks, I didn't know what to do with it. At 3am one day, I texted her. I thanked her. I thanked her for being all that I could not be. I cried myself to sleep again.

I had run away 8 times, still I returned. I was afraid of being out there. The devil you know is better than the angel you don't know, they say. So I always came back to the misery I knew as home.

Then came the day when I decided to accept I was lost and had no idea what I was doing. But I was sure of what I didn't want anymore. I felt like God had thrown me to the wolves ON PURPOSE. This time, I was wise enough to just follow His lead even when I had no idea where I was going. I let my plans go for His.

Now that things are getting clearer, I feel like God carefully handpicks a few of us and bursts our bubbles. Our perfect lives. Just to teach us how to survive harsh conditions so we can teach others. To teach us that we can overcome anything. I mean, things like this don't often happen to people like 'me' but how else would we stretch? Knowledge from books? Nah. Sometimes we may need to go through the fire. He lets you wander away, learning lessons and gaining experiences, then He comes to find you and considers you more valuable than those who stayed put. You dared to get uncomfortable . You dared not to settle. You dared to allow yourself be talked about. You did not mind the rumours being spread. He would leave 99 men to find just 1 man like this.

"What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them gets lost, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountain and go in search of the one that is lost?  And if it turns out that he finds it, I assure you and most solemnly say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that did not get lost." Matt 18:12-14.

My message is not for everyone so I understand that some people will not take to it. I realize that I've been called to the broken. To give them hope. Because I too was once broken. I went through the fire. I burned. I healed. I survived. And so when I tell You, there is a purpose to all you may be going through and that you will be okay, you'd believe. Not just because I said it but you can see my own testimony.

He alone sees the big picture. Let Him disrupt your plan. Let Him close the door. Let the relationship go. Let the friendship go. Just let Him do his thing. There is beauty in getting lost. You will see it eventually. He's always on purpose.

Peace, love and banana popsicles,


If this has blessed, please share with others. I love you.

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Be the rebel


"I think you go to church too much. You need to find other activities to be involved in."

I'm Miss-smarty-pants who always has a reply to everything but this time, I was speechless. More like confused. Here I was deeply in love with someone who was not impressed with my dedication to service and who I had been praying about for months. Well, it was more of me trying to arm twist God to agree with my choice rather than a prayer asking for His will.

"I'm a chorister. It's what I've been called to do. If I don't attend all those rehearsals, I can't function", I finally mumbled. He shrugged as if to say 'all-these-church-people-and-things-that-don't-make-sense'. I started to question if all I was doing was eye-service.

An argument ensued between the HolySpirit and I later that day.

Me: I really spend a lot of time in church
HS: And?
Me: I want to do other things. I want to perfect my makeup artistry, I want to learn to play the piano, I want to learn to sew.
HS: And church is stopping you?
Me: Well, I'm there all the time.
HS: If they are important to you, you will find a way. Maybe not all at the same time but you will find a way.
Me: Okay
HS: And for that boy? My answer is NO. You have compromised in your thoughts for him too many times. I was silent but apparently you did not get the message.
Me: But I like him a lot
HS: You will like another. You will be alright.


You see, he had mentioned being a 'social drinker'. Whatever that means. Personally, I do not associate with alcohol. Whether frequently or occasionally. It's being my belief over the years. But then I tried to bargain with the HS. 'Maybe, it's not so bad afterall, just like 3 times in a year and it has health benefits', I said after the HS gave a prompting. I was already making compromises.

Another time he said something about fornication not being that big of a deal. He said something like God not being angry at it the way Nigerian pastors make it seem. I knew it was wrong, I said nothing. I compromised.

Too many Christians are sitting on the wall. You know it's not right but you choose silence so they won't say your own is too much. They will tell you even Jesus sat with sinners. But he didn't become them. There was never a doubt, not even for a second as to where Jesus stood. He did not let them influence him, rather he influenced them.

There was a free medical test for girls who were sexually active at the NYSC orientation camp whilst I was a corps member. While people rushed from my hostel, I went back to sleep. Shocked, someone came to ask me why I wasn't going. 'I'm a virgin', I simply said. Nothing prepared me for the laughter that erupted across the room. I smiled and shut my eyes and continued my sleep. I could have whispered it in her ears but I chose against it. If they feel confident speaking about the different kinds of men they've had and things they have acquired from such men then why should I be ashamed of declaring my own stance. Your truth is your truth, my truth is my truth. I refused to be shamed.

In a society where doing is right is scoffed at, you must be dogged and unfazed. Their insecurities and their own inadequacy make them scorn you. They wish they had your kind of courage to choose to do right in the midst of wrong. They want you to bend. Do not. Be unapologetic. Be firm. You are the rebel. Be the light in darkness. You are to illuminate. Do not be covered. So what if you don't have friends because if your stand. You will be alright. You don't need such friends anyway.

-Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father.
- Sexual purity is still demanded by God. Before and during marriage.
- Modesty in dressing is required for both men and women.
-Smoking and drinking are a NO NO for people meant to be the light.
-Loving your neighbours as yourself is expected.
-Obey all of God's commands

Are you a rebel?

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Love is beautiful

Scented candles, petals, chocolates, love notes, cards, gifts, Chinese dining; you just name them! I love Valentine.

Of course, the usual text messages are sent to parents and siblings but nothing beats celebrating love with the one who has your heart. It's a day the world has chosen for the celebration of love (love should be celebrated everyday). It's fun until you don't have a significant other to celebrate it with and you have to come on social mediaπŸ˜‚

Last Valentine, I got so emotional when a student left me a very sweet note because honestly, I wasn't expecting anything. I hardly opened any of my social media apps that day. Not because I was threatened by the display of love that would be shown and how it would remind me of my single status but I knew I would get irritated by the plethora of advice/motivational talk thrown 'our' way. 'God's love is all you need', 'Dear Singles, take advantage of this time and grow yourself' bla bla bla. But aunty, I've been growing myself na. Abi the people in relationship don't need God's love ni?

Look, love is a beautiful thing and it's ok to desire it. Don't let anyone confuse you. God intended for us to love and be loved. What I however recommend is that you don't sit around waiting for love to find you. Become the kind of person you want to attract. Become whole. Be goal driven. Be financially independent. Be responsible. Be godly. And when he/she finally shows up, you will sow your love on good soil.

Argh, I'm now giving the advice I hate to listen to. Las las! They are right sha. God's love is the ultimate (but we want someone to call us up at 11pm saying sweet nothings. That one too is not bad).

Next year's Valentine, we shall celebrate. Amen? Amen.

*Please don't show my mother this postπŸ˜‚

I pray that you receive all the love that you deserve,

Peace, love and more love,
