Thursday, 26 April 2018

You are only as good as what you put on the inside

I started to drink more water, my skin began to pop. It didn't take too long for me to realize that what I put on the inside determined the results I got on the outside. I make a decision daily to be intentional about what goes into my mind, body and spirit because I am a reflection of them on the outside.
No one was taking responsibility for one particular flower pot in the school premises. It was most often overlooked and forgotten perhaps because of its location. Because the other flowers were blossoming, the Director (aka my mother) asked Mr. Sunday (The person that makes things happen) to uproot the root so we could plant another. We had concluded that this specie was dysfunctional.
Mr. Sunday did not uproot it. He built a faux hedge made with an old carton and barb wires around it. This was to prevent people from touching it and disturbing it's growth. He watered it religiously and ensured it had its fair share of sunlight. After a few weeks, he took out the hedge and I was speechless. I saw some sprouts and today, it's a full flower pot.
What you pour into yourself and what others pour into you are important.
Do you believe enough in yourself to sow the right seeds? To speak positive things in contrary situations. To take care of your body because you deserve it. To continually develop yourself in your field of interest. To invest in yourself. To drink water and ditch soda. To have a relationship with God.
How about your relationships? Does your circle 'water' you to get the best out of you? Do your friends push you to greatness? Do they protect you when you are vulnerable? What are you being fed with? Your circle should carry the same fire as you, so that when you need It, you can be reignited.
Be intentional about the people you grant access to your life. They can make or mar you. They have unhindered access to your mind. And you are a product of what goes on within. Guard your heart.
Anything (good or bad) can grow when watered.❤
P.s. I don't have a picture of the faux hedge because I didn't even believe anything could come out of it๐Ÿ™ˆ. You should never give up on anybody, with a little nurturing, things could turn around.
Peace, love and sunshine,


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