Tuesday 26 September 2017

My new relationship

So I recently started a relationship with this guy who is simply amazing. Being with him gives me butterflies and most times, I feel like I am a teenager again. He makes me very happy.
For a few days however, I have not been feeling that spark like when we first fell in love. I really don't want this relationship to be boring. I knew I needed to add spice to it. We used to see each other everyday but I was beginning to feel like it was just a monotonous routine.
But yesterday was the most special day of my life yet. Who knew hanging out with friends was all the spice we needed. I attended my regular Choir rehearsal and the prayers started and there was a move I can't explain. What was supposed to be a 10 minute prayer lasted almost 40 minutes.We prayed so hard, You could literally touch the presence of God. And that's when I felt it- that love that makes me want to be a better person, the love that makes me just want to please, the love that makes me sing songs of adoration that even I don't understand, the love of my life who will never leave me❤ I fell in love with Jesus all over again and I was reminded of what it first felt like.
Sometimes, You need others to ignite your fire again. You see that firewood, they burn well when they are together but when separated, the fire begins to die slowly. Don't despise fellowship. We need each other in this race.Hebrews 10:24-25 '... let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.'
It is my prayer that you find the company that draws you closer to Him.
Peace, love and plantain chips,
*If you would want us to form a prayer support group on here where we meet to pray and stimulate each other at least once a week, let me know.
If this has blessed you please share and be a blessing to others. Xx

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