Saturday, 29 December 2018

Stones, wells and water


These were some of the 'stones' said to me and thrown into my well (heart). Stone by stone; brick by brick they filled my well and began to overflow. I began to have a physical manifestation of the things in my heart. A well that was meant to flow with water began to flow with stones. I was unhappy with myself and everyone else. It irked me to see someone happy. I could not see anything good about the world. My well was full. Not with water but with stones.

Luckily, I soon got a grip of myself and opened up about my struggles. It helped that I found a living church after my time away from church for a long time. I started a new Bible and prayer plan and stuck with it no matter how difficult it was. Slowly, the Holy Spirit began to replace every stone and filled me up with water. The living water. The joy you see me exude on the outside started on the inside. Now when I flow; it is no longer bitterness, self pity, depression or rage, it is peace, joy and happiness.

'Stopping' of wells is an ancient instrument of war. It involves filling up your enemies wells with stones or dirt until they bow (Gen 26:14-15, 2nd Kings 3:5-19). This is because the enemy understands the importance of water.

The good news is that you can dig out the stones. Isaac dug again until he found living spring water (Gen 26:18-19). The enemy can only try, you choose how the story ends.

* This is from a message I preached in February and I've gotten so many requests for it in text version. I hope it blesses one person out there.

Peace, love and a truckload of sunshine in 2019.

Your favourite writer girl,


Thursday, 27 December 2018

The girl you raised has come back to say thank you

If you can think well, you will thank well - Rev. Mrs. O. Omoraiyewa.

I was sitting on my own and minding my business when I got a call that I had been nominated by @oleiray_ for a 'Single Mums' financial grant this year. I did not lobby for it. Heck, I did not even know anything about it. The most surprising, I and @oleiray_ have never met before. We are virtual friends. Few minutes after that call, my account was credited woth N50, 000. Just like that! Thank you Tope. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me especially those who have never met me before. @momentshatinators sent my baby a gorgeous fascinator. Someone else made her a dress. I cannot even begin to mention all. I don't even feel qualified to answer 'single mum'. I have had it too easy. Nifemi has so many daddies, mummies, uncles and aunties. You all have given us soft landing and eased the burden. Thank you.

I had my first solo event and you all showed up for me. I had volunteers who gave their time and energy to #AnEveningWithLove. It was powerful. I never remained the same after that. It was also the first time I fasted One week straight without food because I was in dire need for a manifestation from God and He showed up. I am also thankful to my best friend Ehigocho Samuel who ran with the vision and supported me every step of the way. My book #31Mornings was released and again you all purchased and made me sell out. Every. single. copy. has been purchased. You guys bought in bundles. This book has been to 5 continents of the world. (Show up for my next book o #BeforeIDieI'llLive ๐Ÿ˜). Payments have been made for the reprint which is not yet out. Thank you.

I got into the studio this year and released a fire worship song with the best friend that topped many downloading forums for a long time. I was featured in a magazine. It felt good to see my name up there. I stepped out of my comfort zone of writing and had a few speaking engagements. Money met money in my hands this year. Thank you.

I made so many decisions in December last year that did not make sense. It did not make sense to leave a great thing for nothing just because God said so. It did not make any sense then but this year, everything became crystal clear. Thank you

My daughter again topped her class making me the proudest momma ever ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜. Thank you.

People have met me the most for counselling. People have traced me to my tiny office to ask me to mentor them. I got tired of running and just accepted that purpose had found me. I have prayed and warred with and for people I did not know and I saw God move. Thank you

Just when I thought 2018 was over, I received my breath taking Christmas gift a few days to Christmas. Thank you.

Dear Lord, the girl you raised has come back to say thank you.

Peace, love and hot naija jollof.

Your favourite writer girl,


Tuesday, 11 December 2018


A S D F SPACE COLUMN L K J. No I'm not talking jargon. This is the first lesson in typewriting. For the right hand; the pinky finger on letter A, the ring finger on S, the middle finger on D, the index finger on F and the thumb on the SPACE BAR. The next set of instructions are for the right hand.

I know this because my father made my brother and I attend Typewriting classes every holiday. It was annoying. The instructor was stern. We resumed at 8am and closed by 3pm. My father was determined to equip us with the right skills for the future. The future is here and no one uses a typewriter. My smartphone does the same job a computer would do today.

It was with pride my mother handed me a diskette that contained her final year project. It was a dream of hers to show it to her child. I never saw its content because the world now has a new means of storage- flash drives and hard drives. Diskette makers are either out of jobs or have had to evolve.

Pen pals were the happening things in my secondary school days. We would write letters to people we knew or didn't know in far away places. Now a facebook message would do.

Growing up, young girls had the idea of a tall, dark and handsome man as the perfect dream man. Now we see that it was only an illusion. Perfect gentlemen come in tall, short, chubby, slender, dark, fair, chocolatey, handsome, not-so-handsome, just-there handsome versions.

In the past, we needed to study a lot of books to answer simple questions. Now, a simple google search would do.

Even in Bible study! We needed to memorize a lot of scriptures. We should still do. But a quick search on google and the verse in need comes up. We can carry 20 translations of the Bible in one smartphone today too.

You can actually sit in your room now, attend online courses and get a degree. The future is here.

Now we hear and have seen robots who now handle basic human responsiblities. In the next 10 years, many people will be out of jobs.

You can actually pound yam with a food processor. Yes, it comes out perfect

My point is, the world is evolving and you must evolve with it. Upgrade yourself. Don't be comfortable with what seems normal now because the future that is now is going to be extinct tomorrow. Learn new skills, take new courses, keep striving to become a better version of yourself. In summary, UPGRADE.

Peace, love and sunshine.

Your favourite writer girl,


Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Death to puff puff

Somewhere along the way this year, I fell off the healthy wagon and picked up a new hobby; eating hot puff puff EVERYDAY. It was all fun and games till I could not find my waist again.

When I realized how far I'd fallen with the most infinitesimal strength to resist, I would actually pray for the puff puff seller not to make that day; or that the hot ones should have finished by the time I arrived.

Best believe I had to pray for God to deliver me from it. God took me on a journey and made me understand that puff puff was not my enemy and could not tempt me. My weakness towards puff puff was my enemy. If I had no interest in puff puff, then it had no power over me. I cannot imagine being tempted to take alcohol. I have zero interest in it and so it has zero power over me. If you give in to your weaknesses, they will control you.

It's been 2 months since I successfully weaned myself away from puff puff and I'm gradually recovering some of the waist line๐Ÿ˜ Everyday, I realize what damage I did to my body but thankfully I can recover it back.

Temptation does not originate from God but from our own flaws. For God cannot be tempted by what is evil and He himself tempts no one. The illicit desire gives birth to sin and when sin has run its course, it gives birth to death. James 1:13 - 15.

No, it is not God (puff puff as the case may be) that caused you to fall. It was your illicit desires. Take control of your thoughts and you can take control of your desires. You can win over sin!

Peace, love and death to puff puff,

Your favourite writer girl,


P.s Thanks for all those who have sent me messages checking on me since I have been away. I am alright but the new book #BeforeIdieI'llLive which will be available for purchase in February, has been taking so much of my time. I will be fully back shortly. Xx

Monday, 29 October 2018

You are SOMEONE.

I did an introduction of myself sometime ago on my social media pages for the new followers that had just followed me.

On one of the platforms, someone was concerned that I did not have 'Wife' in the list. He was concerned he did not see a mention of husband anywhere. He was worried I might be another feminist from the lineage of Chimamanda. Another asked 'When are you getting married?'

It did not matter that I had 3 degrees.

It did not matter that I had worked in print media.

It did not matter that I deprive myself of sleep on most nights to continually put out content on social media that edifies because that is my ministry.

It did not matter that I wrote a book that not only reached 5 continents but sold out and is now published on bambooks to be read online. #31Mornings

It did not matter that I am the School Administrator of a mega institution.

It did not matter that I have a teenagers' ministry.

It did not matter that I hosted my first solo event and people actually turned up.

It did not matter that I single-handedly provide and raise my child.

It did not matter that I am a worshipper and God uses me to heal people through songs and writing.

While being a wife is great (and I will be one some day because I desire it); you have to be SOMEONE first. I say this without apologies; you were not born to be a wife or a husband.

You were born with a purpose and a mandate that should be fulfilled. Getting married, having kids, having siblings; are ADDED blessings from God but they should not take away the core of who you are.

Before you are a wife/husband, father/mother, sister/brother; you are SOMEONE. If you do not pour into yourself first and discover who you are, you can't function in any of the above mentioned roles effectively.

Be someone.

Peace, Love and self discovery,

Your favourite writer girl,


* P.s if it blesses you, then hit the share button. ๐Ÿ˜˜

Monday, 22 October 2018

Kaduna crisis and how you should live your best life.

 " I'm going to wear my new top tomorrow", I boldy declared to bestie. "Let's go and visit Mrs X now because I want to have my Sunday afternoon sleep and be ready for the long week ahead". I said. "So you finished all that kunu without giving me", I said to him again as I silently planned my revenge.

"Let us park and walk the rest of the way" bestie said as we approached Mrs X's house. We did. It was a lovely visit filled with good humour and laughter. We walked back to the car and drove off to meet up with the fam.

More laughter and jokes. Even my good ol' wig was not spared in the diss. Quick hugs, we all went our separate ways with a promise to see each other later.

Phone rings! 'Kaduna is on fire.' Another religious crisis. Phew! Panic as the fam was on the way back to their base. Next news, one of them was stabbed and alone. Others had escaped and were safe. Next news: '24 hour curfew.' We could not go to them, they could not come to us. The ertswhile laughter was replaced with tears of sorrow.

Good Samaritan manages to get the injured to a hospital. He is fine. We are grateful for the goodness of God. We are sad for the ones we know personally who were not lucky. Like us, they had plans for tomorrow, which is the today they never saw.

I did not get to wear my new top today, there is no 'long' week ahead of me as I am currently indoors instead of working. I am not thinking of how to punish bestie for drinking kunu without giving me. What I would give for 'small' blessings like taking a walk without fear?

It's funny how in the blink of an eye, EVERYTHING can change. It's why I live my life to be ridiculously happy and fulfilled. Tomorrow is not promised. Do the things you want to do now, today! Dress like it's a party, Love like a teenager, Travel if you have the means. Whatever you do, live your best life.


Peace, peace and more Peace,

Your favourite writer girl,


Thursday, 4 October 2018

What do you do with unripe mangoes?

Still with my stinking morning breath, unwashed body and scattered hair, I got on a bus. As I sat, I let the tears flow freely causing stares from my fellow passengers.

It was not the bruises or the pain on my body that made me shed tears. It was the pain in my heart. 'When will this end God?', I asked my maker. I was tired of feeling the way I did. I needed for my heart to be unburdened. Even if it was just for a second.

The tears stopped flowing while we journeyed but my heart continued to break inside. I wanted to go very far away. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why are tares sowed among the wheat? Doesn't God have the power to take away the pain? To remove the the tares?

He does. But there's sometime dangerous about using a shortcut to your destiny. If you refuse to endure the process of maturity, you will come out undone. Thereby being useless to yourself and the world at large and ending up being destroyed. Imagine plucking mango from the tree and discovering it is not yet ripe. What would you do? Throw it away!

In the parable of the wheat and tares, when the servants asked the master to uproot the weed, He said ‘...No; because as you pull out the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them...let them grow harvest time the weeds will be burned' MATTHEW 13:29 AMP.

As you pull out of the process, no matter how much you had endured before, you may also be pulling out of the goodness and harvest that was to follow.

Go through your pain and during harvest, you would see that the tares helped you to be stronger. I went through mine and came out standing. I'm grateful for that pain, it birthed purpose. Don't give up. Harvest is around the corner. Soon you will see all that had persecuted you burn to the ground.

Peace, love and sunshine.

Your favourite writer girl,


Friday, 14 September 2018

How I fell in Lagos

On a beautiful rainy Friday morning, the squad decided we would go shopping. It was our only free day and we had to explore Nigeria's London. It was fun. The rain, the street food, the danfos, the messy hair, the razz nature of Lagos. Everything. But being an ambivert, the joy of socializing soon began to fade and I desperately needed me time.

After 2 shops, I just wanted to be home. But nope! The guys were still moving from store to store. We needed to climb one rickety iron staircase to get to another shop. I refused to hold on to the rail because of the fear of germs. But it was all good, there was someone in front and behind me, I was covered. Then they started to haggle with the store owner. Gosh! I was tired. Just pay already! They finally paid and went on to re-try the shoes they had tried before paying.๐Ÿ™„

At this point, I got up and began to descend the staircase so they would hurry. I was 3 steps away from the ground when I slipped because I was not holding the rail and there was no protection in front or behind me.

Asides the embarrassment, I thought I was fine until I tried to walk. An iron rod had pierced through toes. It was a very deep cut. I slightly lifted my toes and it was a blood bath!!! I cried hot tears as it was being cleaned up and I thought of how things would have been different had I not left the group. If I had just waited 2 minutes more. It's been over a week and I'm still walking funny.๐Ÿ˜‘

It taught me a valuable lesson - Never leave your cover. God goes before you, behind you and makes all crooked paths straight just so you don't slip. Stick with Him. Don't be in a hurry.

Peace, love and a stack of patience.

Your favourite writer girl,

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Just show up

Gun shots blasting!!!! I dived into a nearby bush. My heart was pounding. I could feel the bullet coming towards my direction. I can't survive this.

Chileeeee! This was how I felt the first time I appeared in court. Feet shaking even though I was on flats and head pounding, I walked into the dreaded room. It felt like a war zone.

Family and friends had offered to go with me but I declined. Some battles you have to confront by yourself with God while the village stays back covering you in prayers.

The fight for your sanity, to get over depression, for your life, for your freedom, for your deliverance, for addiction, for your academics, for your purpose requires that YOU face it headlong. And God has promised that if you show up ready for war, then He will be right by your side to help you. Trust me, you won't have to go through it alone.

I showed up -Shaken. I showed up -Afraid. I showed up -Weak. I showed up - Vulnerable. What mattered was that I showed up and then He too showed up.

"There is nothing to fear, for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, Yes, I will help you..." Isaiah 41:10 Joyce Meyer Amp Bible.

Can I join my faith to yours and trust that you will show up ready to confront those demons?

You will never walk alone.

Your favourite writer girl,

Peace, love and war ammunition,


Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Bitter water

Wham! I felt the punch thrust through my abdomen, pushing out a torrent of blood through my mouth. It splattered across the floor. I scrambled through the rough pile but it delivered yet another punch. Its bloodshot gaze caused me to tremble. It stifled a laugh as though mocking me and said 'No one is coming!'. But I wasn't ready to give up so easily, so I let out the last scream I could mutter and passed out. 3, 2, 1...My eyes opened. I was alive. I am alive.

Rape, molestation, abuse, joblessness, poverty, heartbreak, divorce, miscarriage, barrenness, depression, wrong accusations, sickness, sadness!!! At some points in our lives, we have or will encounter some of these bitter experiences. Like Marah~ bitter water, nobody would deliberately choose this path. It may not be because of your sin too, sometimes it is predestined.

Life will try to squeeze out everything in you. You will hear voices that will try to keep you down but you must not give up. Because after Marah, comes Elim where there are springs of water. A place of rest. Don't stop at Marah. If He helped you through one, He will help you again.

God took the Israelites to Marah to teach them to wholly depend on Him. After the lessons were learnt, He took them to Elim. (Exo 15: 1-27)
Don't stop at Marah!

Peace, love and a fighting spirit,

Your favourite writer girl,


*This article was inspired by a message titled 'When you get to Marah' delivered by Rev. Joshua Omoraiyewa and can be listened to here

Monday, 30 July 2018

He will pay

I heard my daughter's name called as the 'Overall best in Pre-Nursery' and I can't begin to explain the pride that enveloped my heart. She had made me ridiculously proud and happy. I must have almost suffocated her with my hugs and I finally gave in. Nifemi has asked for a Tablet for the longest time possible. I always said 'No.' Yes, I've always known she is technologically savvy and I can use parental control but I never considered it important enough to fit into my budget. This month however, I threw my budget out the window and my baby has her tab. She deserves it.

God never forgets our requests. He will answer when He will answer. However you are more likely to get answers to your prayers in the place of service. One day; the tears, pains, and sacrifices will be all worth it. God is not a debtor. He pays. Seek Him first. Make Him proud with your choices and watch Him swing into action and bring the world to your feet.

God is always faithful. ❤

Peace, love and pleasant surprises.

Your favourite writer girl,

P.s. Nifemi has called me like 100 times to ask me to get her 'bobo' drink and I have been sitting right across her. Help!!!

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Roar baby

If your childhood involved watching Lion King, raise your hand.๐Ÿ™‹‍♂️๐Ÿ™‹‍♀️

Simba ran for his dear life after he had being manipulated into thinking he killed his father. He ran from purpose. From his assignment. From his legacy. It was an easier life there in the jungle. He sang Hakuna Matata all day, everyday. No pressures, yes but no fulfilment of purpose too.

He was meant for more. His father, Mufasa's spirit lived in him and he gave him no rest till he went back to Pride Rock to confront Scar, his enemy. The strength of his roar was unprecedented. His beautiful defeat of Scar was too sweet to watch. Small Simba of yesterday was now a LION. A big boy so to speak. The grounds shook. They knew the King indeed had just introduced himself. Now he meant serious business- no more hakuna matata-ing all over the place. That fierceness had always been in him, he just needed a situation to push it out.

You are the miracle you are looking for. You are the one thousands of souls are waiting on- to hear your songs, to read your books, to buy your products. It is inside of you. It is in you. You carry your healing, your deliverance, your greatness. The world is waiting on your roar. God your father lives inside of you, you carry Him. Therefore, you are not restricted to a particular location. Believe that wherever you are, you must thrive. Get up, pick up your things and walk, King. Enough of the pity parties. Enough of the fun times. May you not use your destiny to play. Your kingdom is waiting on you.

Speak to the King in you- Tell him to get up and walk.

Roar baby, roar.

Peace, love and sunshine,

Your favourite writer girl,

Sunday, 24 June 2018

My fallen fish

Sometimes, it happens that you do all you can and it still doesn't work out as you had hoped for. It sucks. It happens to the best of us. Life is tougher for some than others. It's not fair. But it's how life operates.

For me personally in dealing with situations like this, I try to remember the other things that could have gone wrong and didn't. It helps me stay sane and grateful. I also move on quickly from anything that has the slightest suggestion of negativity. Negativity is ugly. If you let it, it will breed.

I lost one of my fish last week (Fish farming is one my investments this year). This particular one was from a new stock and was growing so fast. They call them 'shooters'. I've planned how much I will collect for it๐Ÿคฃ. Suddenly we noticed it had been bitten. We immediately took it out from the midst of the 'vultures.' It was being nursed back to health and it seemed it would survive. One week later, it gave up. We did all we could, it still died.

I had a moment of sadness, but then I immediately brushed it off else my entire day would have been ruined. I was immediately grateful I had hundreds left that were thriving. I also remembered a day that I lost about 80 fish when I first started. It could have been worse. So I'm grateful.

Your attitude to life determines the hand that it deals you. Always remember 'It could have been worse'. To someone somewhere you are GOALS.

In everything, God has your back. ❤ Have a positive outlook in this new week.

P.s A minute of silence for my fallen fish๐Ÿ˜‚

Peace, love and fish peppersoup.

Your favourite writer girl,


Wednesday, 20 June 2018


I heard a strange voice calling out to me. I thought it was a dream till I opened my eyes and saw a woman standing over me. I was frightened and it took about 20 seconds to remember I was in my friend's house. She had told me her housekeeper would come to clean and cook. The woman wanted me to lock the door because she was leaving and showed me my food.

After she left, I freshened up and that's when I noticed my chain was missing. I dismissed it and thought I'd look for it later. I settled down for Netflix and forgot about it. When my friend got back, I mentioned I didn't see my chain. She said "Oh my husband locked it in the safe before we left. You were still sleeping." I didn't know when I blurted out, "Your husband did whattttttt?"๐Ÿ˜‚. I wanted to laugh and roll on the floor. Then she said 'Even though we trust the housekeeper, we didn't want to tempt her with something so valuable. This is gold we are talking about.'

It was funny because this was my GL chain I got for about N2000 ($5, £4). The value they placed on me was transposed to the chain. It had a great value to them because it was ME who was putting it on. I determine the value people place on me and things related to me.

Boeing 747 is the Bristish Airways plane that flies the Lagos-london route while Boeing 747-200B series plane is the one that carries the president of the United States of America (POTUS). The 747-200B series is referred to as AIR FORCE ONE and the former just an aircraft. Any plane the President steps into becomes AIR FORCE ONE (Boeing 707, Boeing VC-25). It is the presence of the POTUS that determines what aircraft becomes AIR FORCE ONE not the design or structure of the aircraft. In simply English, any aircraft can be AIR FORCE ONE so long the POTUS is on board.

The value you place on yourself is what others will place on you. You can set trends with the cheap things you think you have. I left my friend's house with a new sense of understanding. I am enough and people will value me for being me. I carry Jesus. I am a child of God. So even when I'm on a bike, that bike becomes AIR FORCE ONE. When I'm on the train, it becomes AIR FORCE ONE. When I enter my car, it becomes AIR FORCE ONE. I make the difference. People will see me and still applaud because it is I they have placed value on not necessarily the things I have.

Go forth understanding that you are valuable and whatever you touch turns to gold. You are valuable!

Peace, love and sunshine.

Your favourite writer girl,

Monday, 11 June 2018


I g
ot a BBM notification and so I opened the app and saw it was a message from an acquaintance. It read "I have a makeup job for ypu". He is a photographer and assumed I was a professional makeup artist because of how my face was always done.
I was about to decline when I remembered how badly I could do with some extra cash. To complicate matters, he wanted me to makeup a bride-to-be for her prewedding who was not living in Nigeria. She was coming for the sole purpose of the shoot.
Since I was/am not a makeup artist, I only had/have products in my colour. I started to pray we would have the same skin tone. I took my makeup purse to work the next day and sneaked out to meet them at the location. She was my exact colour! I did the makeup and they  LOVED it. The groom was so grateful. They paid me N10,000. I almost collapsed from excitement.
Makeup as an art is one of my giftings as I've never learnt professionally (I did wedding makeup for my aunty when I was in JSS 2) and I believe it was necessary for THAT season.
As much as I still want to learn professionally, I simply do not have the time to make a living out of it. At least not now. But was that gift necessary at a certain point? Yes.
We all have numerous giftings but it would be plain disaster to try to function in all areas at the same time and perform excellently. Some gifts are for some seasons.
I found my mama's old business card. She once ran an event planning business. She would even hire bridesmaids๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚ (my friends and I suffered that time). She handled decor, food and everything. And she was good at it. But that season ended and another began. Her 'wedding planner' gift helped the family in that season. Adding that to her plate now would be a complete disaster.
God wants you to use ALL your gifts and He will provide opportunities for you to use them at DIFFERENT points not at the same time. Pray for discernment to know the gift God is calling you to express for the season. There are however some primary gifts which you will carry throughout your lifetime. Look out for it. Don't miss it.
P.s Check out my mama's wig๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Your favourite writer girl,


Friday, 1 June 2018

Black panther: shoe them who you are

“Show them who you are”, Ramonda the queen mother called out to her son T’Challa, the Black Panther. He had being in a ritual battle with M’Baku for the crown. It had seemed that the ceremony would proceed without a battle as no tribe challenged the choice of T’Challa until the Jabari’s tribe leader, M’Baku showed up unannounced and ready for battle.
I believe he caught T’Challa off guard as he really threw some great punches that knocked the self-acclaimed ‘Black Panther’ out many times.  I was disappointed. He was just a pretty boy with no spine after all. They got to a cliff and it looked like M’Baku was going to end him and that was when his mother called out to him. I believe it was then he understood the gravity of what was at stake. His family would lose the throne. His tribe, as well as other tribes who formed Wakanda and who had been leaders would have to submit to Jabari. Other tribes would definitely break out from the Unified Wakanda, a legacy his father had proudly left behind. Somehow he found the strength to confront the adversity that stood in front of him. Not just for himself but for the thousands of people who were counting on him. This was from one of the scenes from the movie, ‘Black Panther.’

Phillip was an ordinary deacon in Jerusalem and was very content with that position until Saul, the unannounced adversity began to attack the church. He killed Stephen who was also a deacon and attacked many others from their homes. This caused many people to migrate including Phillip. They were forced to move, so to speak, to save their lives. Phillip moved to Samaria and the responsibility of being the apostle over the people in Samaria inadvertently fell on him. Prior to this, his duties involved sharing food to orphans and widows. Now in Samaria, he was preaching, healing the sick and performing miracles. Things he never knew he had in him but which the situation forced out of him.
One of Phillip’s major achievement was leading Simon, the magician to Christ. Before Phillip moved to Samaria Simon had dazzled the people with magic and had a large following. He not only believed in the gospel of Christ but got baptized by Phillip. This meant that all his followers automatically became Christians too.

There was also an Ethiopian eunuch of great authority under Candace the queen of Ethiopia who was in charge of all her treasures. Phillip through the leading of the Holy Spirit ministered the gospel of Jesus to him and also baptized him. I believe he in turn must have gone to Ethiopia to spread the good news. If Phillip had not taken charge of an unanticipated adversity and situation, how would he have met an important personality from Ethiopia? He was in Samaria but through him, the gospel got to Ethiopia. Sometimes, the adversity is not about you. Destinies are connected to the fulfilment of your own destiny.

Phillip’s own daughters, I believe by their father’s influence began to prophecy. They were just ‘women’ but they are an example of a rich history of female leadership. It was the great apostle Paul who spoke about their gifts with such high regard. Their father, through his own discomfort, had sown seeds of greatness in them. The ministry of Phillip’s daughters may never have come to fruition had he not carried out his. We must never forget that we cannot afford to give in because of adversity because other people’s assignments depends on the success of our own assignment.

The move to Samaria could not have been easy for Phillip. Leaving everything you know, investments, family and friends and moving to a less glamorous settlement, it must have been painful. Some things will however not happen for you until there is a shift, whether forced or willing. Jerusalem was safe and comfortable and he was a great deacon but it was not until he was forced to relocate that he became more. It reminds me of when I had to shut down my business in Abuja and make the difficult decision to relocate to Kaduna after the demise of my marriage. I did not know what to expect but I believed God was leading me and I just followed. In a little over a year that I moved, this ordinary 27-year old divorced girl bagged another degree, published her book which has been sold in 4 continents of the world, and got several speaking and writing engagements. The greatest blessing for me however is the hundreds of messages I receive from people telling me how my story has inspires them to live their best lives and how it is okay to start over. Who would have thought? The move doesn’t necessarily have to be physical. Sometimes, God may just want you to have a shift in your mindset. He wants you to see the beauty in the chaos. Comfort is overrated. We all need a push to discover what we are capable of.

Adversity will show you who you really are, what you are capable of and the things you did not even know about yourself. Adversity is a good thing. Adversity is the time to show the world who you are and what you carry and not to cower. Remember, God gives the toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. God will not give his big assignments to irresponsible servants or people who have not proved themselves (remember Phillip was a diligent deacon), and so when adversity comes your way, it is God’s way of saying He trusts you to deliver. He knows who you are. He knows that: I am strong. I am capable. Nothing catches me by surprise. I am graced for whatever comes my way. I am a child of God. I have control over my emotions. I have a sound mind. I have the authority of Jesus. He knows that I can handle whatever He sends my way for his glory to be seen by all.

When adversity comes as it will, God will be in the background cheering you on and screaming, ‘Show them who you are.’ Such a show-off.
Who are you?

*NB- Bible passages considered include Acts 8:1-40 , Acts 6:3-7 and Acts 21:9

Your favourite writer girl,


P.s. share and be a blessing.

Monday, 21 May 2018

You are a fighter

Do I like to sit 6 hours plus braiding my hair? No. Do I like how I look after braiding my hair? Yes.

Do i genuinely love salads more than cake? No. Do I like Joselyn Dumas' waist? Yes.

Would I rather sleep in than go out in the scorching sun to hustle? Yes. But do I enjoy being broke? No.

Is it easier to give people a piece of mind and tear them to shreds when they have stepped out of line? Yes. Is it what Jesus would want me to do? No.

Is it easier to be bitter and resentful to people who have hurt us? Yes. Does it make us feel better? No.

Is sin sweet? Yes. Did Jesus die for us to keep throwing His love back at Him? No.

Will the process be hard? Yes. Will your future be assured? YES! YES! YES!

We don't let our feelings and emotions dictate how we should act. We do what needs to be done whether we like it or not because of the promised future.

Go and do what needs to be done this week and smash those goals. You'd be happy you did when the results start showing. Xx

You are a fighter. Do not give up now. You can do hard things. ๐Ÿ˜˜ Tag a fighter.

Peace, love and sunshine.

Your favourite writer girl,


Saturday, 19 May 2018

Sometimes the woman is King

'Sometimes, the King is a woman.' Sometimes the onus of taking critical decisions falls on the woman. I feel some type of way however using the word 'sometimes.' It depicts an abnormality; a deviation from a norm which should not exist in the first place. It gives credence to the benevolence extended to women who thrive. The King figuratively speaking, can be the man or the woman.

Do I think men and women are equal?

Mrs. Shu remains one of the most happy-go-lucky women I ever met. My memories of her are her chirpy laughter and her signature cookies. Always welcoming and nice, it was hard to believe she didn't have kids of her own. I often wondered how could be do happy and giving.

Once I saw her convert a room in her home to cater to guests she did not know personally. One of the beneficiaries unknown to Mrs Shu was a big shot. He asked her to mention anything she wanted but she declined.

One year later, Mrs Shu birthed little Shu. Rumour had it that Mr. Big Shot had prayed to his God to bless her with a child.

Little Shu had a head accident one day and ran to his papa who was working, who in turn sent him to his mama because he couldn't handle that kind of pressure. She swung into action immediately. Asked her driver to go on full speed until she got to Mr Big Shot. Mr. Big Shot came and handled the situation.

Mr and Mrs Shu understood their areas of strength and weakness. He was introverted, she was extroverted. They had differences that made them strong and provided balance. Are men and women equal? No! Equal would mean sameness. No two men or two women are the same. How much more preaching equality between two completely different group of homosapiens. Men and women are UNIQUE and DISTINCT and should be allowed to EQUALLY function in their areas of capacity.

Society tells women and men what is expected from them and how they must fit into certain roles even when it doesn't come naturally to them. Ultimately, everyone gets frustrated.

So this is my submission:
If the woman likes to cook, she should cook.
If the man likes to cook, he should cook.
If the woman is enabled to provide, she should.
If the man is enabled to provide, he should.
Both man and woman should be parents and share responsibilities that showcase their strengths.

Get you a man/woman who understands that marriage is a partnership of two equally unique individuals. No one's role should be undermined.

We are equally unique. Let love rule.

Peace, love and sunshine.

Your favourite writer girl,


Thursday, 10 May 2018

Why I love pictures

There's something graceful about pictures. A simple shot holds so many stories -narratives of joy, pain, happiness, fulfilment, battles, values and peace. These tales known only to the person in the picture and not the one who captures the image.

Pictures have a way of reminding you not to forget- who you are, who you were, what you have and what you had. It's so easy to forget. They serve as a memorial of battles you fought and won or lost. Friends who stood the test of time or the ones who betrayed you.

Everyone smiles in a picture. Onlookers would see a beautiful picture when they look but only you know know the story(ies) behind the picture.

I love pictures. I love to capture memories. They help me stay grounded and level headed. It helps me remain thankful as I can compare where I was to where I am. I have pictorial evidence.

These pictures remind me that I am strong. They hold stories of fighting and winning. And losing too. It reminds me of how I started from nothing and built something beautiful. It reminds me of friends who had my back when I had nothing to offer. It reminds me of family who supported my dreams. It reminds me of betrayal. It reminds me of the beautiful ones who looked up to me. I had to be strong for them when I couldn't be for myself. It reminds me that my purpose is not about how I feel. It reminds me that I can always make do with what I have. It reminds me that there are no perfect conditions. It reminds me of toil and sweat. It reminds me of letting go and moving on. It reminds me that there are always more grounds to conquer. It reminds me that God is always there. It reminds me that God's silence is also an answer. It reminds me of the lengths I went for survival. I actually forgot I once handcut and sold vegetables to supermarkets. It reminds me that I am resilient and brave. It reminds me that I am beautiful. It reminds me that God always chooses me for the toughest battles because He trusts me. It reminds me to always be optimistic about the future. It reminds me to always see the beauty in chaos.

Why do you love pictures?

Peace, love and sunshine.

Your favourite writer girl,

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

The prize

'The roads were dark and deserted.

I could hear echoes of my own breadth and birds chirping away.

Still I pushed on. Walking as fast as my feet could carry me.

The sound from my slippers- 'kpish kpash' kept me company on the lonely road.

It was getting really late. I contemplated turning back but how I could I come this far and lose. And return with nothing?

Yes, in all honestly, I wasn't quite sure what the prize was. The Voice did not reveal. There was something about The Voice that made me believe there was a prize somewhere. And whatever it was, it would be worth it.

Alone on my lane, I caught a glimpse of others who walked in groups and had flashlights. Their light hearted banter was endearing. It would be nice to have such company but The Voice said this was a solo trip for me. I had so many cuts and bruises from groping in the dark and falling way too many times. 'What kind of journey is this one?' He said something about trusting in the power of my sight especially when I couldn't see. Rada rada

It did not make sense but I continued. Finally, I was at the end of the road. He said 'Turn right' and in that instant, the entire place was lighted up with halogen bulbs that made the flashlights I had seen earlier insignificant.

The Voice said 'Look.' I looked ahead of me and I must have frozen for what seemed like 10,800 seconds. He was the most beautiful creature ever. He walked towards me and I felt an eruption in my heart. His eyes so radiant, Michael Ealy got nothing on him. His lips looked like they had been kissed by God. He held my hands and said, 'Let me love You.'

I hastily freed my hands from his. 'Me? Why me?'

'Because like you, I have been on a journey searching for my prize and I was led here. Now that I've found You, I'm not about to let you slip away', he said.

I blushed and whispered a silent thank-you to The Voice and then said, 'Hi, my name is Love.' He replied, 'My name is Whatever-you-want-me-to-be and I will walk 1000 more deserted roads for you'

I love you.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Peace, love and sloppy wet kisses.

Your favourite writer girl,


Friday, 27 April 2018

PUMA is what you call PUMA

I lost my shoes today๐Ÿ™ˆ It's even more embarrassing to say I lost it at the market. I had gone to the market from the office and my shoes were not market friendly.

Could I have managed it? YES! but then I saw PUMA slippers of life๐Ÿ˜‚ As per 'Designer babe lomo confirm', I paid for the slippers. I kid! I actually didn't know 'PUMA' was what was written on my N600 slippers. Trust my beloved Nigerians to bring you counterfeit products at great prices ๐Ÿคฃ. I actually saw the seller with different designs and the shoes on my feet suddenly felt too tight. The #Ojukokoro in me was ignited. Sigh. I put my shoes in the polythene bag and waltzed away in my PUMA.

It was temporary pleasure. I would never pick the 'PUMA' over my nameless flat spiked shoe.๐Ÿ˜ As I was about to get into the car, after the euphoria of my new slippers had cleared, I asked, 'Where are my shoes?'. I went into way too many shops, I could not even begin to figure out where it could be plus I was running late. I'm back home with my slippers but no shoes.

I pray that you do not lose out on what's important because of a facade that glitters. They will fade. Hold on to what is true. To what is real. Stick to he who has proved himself than to a sweet tongued fairy tale that cannot stand the test of time.

Does it feel right? Is your heart at peace? Do you laugh for no reason? Does it/he/she make you happy? Does it/he/she make you better? If YES, then go ahead with it and silent the 'buts'. Yes it may be uncomfortable now but remember that shoes expand with more usage. Would you rather end with a fake PUMA? ๐Ÿ™„. An 'original' PUMA sef may not be for you. God may be calling to be a brand of your own. Don't sell yourself short by taking on an identity that is not yours.

Don't be an ojukokoro. Treasure what you have. PUMA is what YOU call PUMA. ADIDAS is what YOU call ADIDAS. In my eyes, my Honda is a Bentley #ArgueWithYourBrother ๐Ÿ˜‹

P.s I still plan to go back to look for my shoes. I hope it's not too late.

Peace, love and sunshine.

Your favourite writer girl,


You amaze me

The best friend and I wrote this song together and we are super duper excited to have it featured on
Mama, look at how we made it๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜. Our song 'You amaze Me' is at Number 4 on today. We are the only gospel track also. Yikes!!!!! Apparently our song is one of the HOTTEST song at the moment #WeAreTheMovement #JesusTiTakeover Gifted Ehi Sammy

You can download via this link

Thursday, 26 April 2018

You are only as good as what you put on the inside

I started to drink more water, my skin began to pop. It didn't take too long for me to realize that what I put on the inside determined the results I got on the outside. I make a decision daily to be intentional about what goes into my mind, body and spirit because I am a reflection of them on the outside.
No one was taking responsibility for one particular flower pot in the school premises. It was most often overlooked and forgotten perhaps because of its location. Because the other flowers were blossoming, the Director (aka my mother) asked Mr. Sunday (The person that makes things happen) to uproot the root so we could plant another. We had concluded that this specie was dysfunctional.
Mr. Sunday did not uproot it. He built a faux hedge made with an old carton and barb wires around it. This was to prevent people from touching it and disturbing it's growth. He watered it religiously and ensured it had its fair share of sunlight. After a few weeks, he took out the hedge and I was speechless. I saw some sprouts and today, it's a full flower pot.
What you pour into yourself and what others pour into you are important.
Do you believe enough in yourself to sow the right seeds? To speak positive things in contrary situations. To take care of your body because you deserve it. To continually develop yourself in your field of interest. To invest in yourself. To drink water and ditch soda. To have a relationship with God.
How about your relationships? Does your circle 'water' you to get the best out of you? Do your friends push you to greatness? Do they protect you when you are vulnerable? What are you being fed with? Your circle should carry the same fire as you, so that when you need It, you can be reignited.
Be intentional about the people you grant access to your life. They can make or mar you. They have unhindered access to your mind. And you are a product of what goes on within. Guard your heart.
Anything (good or bad) can grow when watered.❤
P.s. I don't have a picture of the faux hedge because I didn't even believe anything could come out of it๐Ÿ™ˆ. You should never give up on anybody, with a little nurturing, things could turn around.
Peace, love and sunshine,


Tuesday, 17 April 2018

God is always on purpose

I saw the hesitant look in his eyes. He was about to break my heart all over again. I knew what he was about to say. I prayed that he would not say the words but just hand me the envelope.

As I stretched my hands to collect it, the words fell out of his mouth. 'I'm sorry, it's still negative'. I sat in the very hot car that had been microwaved by the sun, took the glasses up and cried and screamed. I added the result to the many others in th box. I had been visiting a Laboratory secretly every week for many weeks. The Lab. Sci. began to take pity on me, I knew I had to stop. I stopped crying, drove to a Fast Food and ordered everything unhealthy. I was eating and driving. I would break into a cry and few minutes later, I would begin to laugh hysterically. Off went that plan. I thought another child would make things better.

I recognized it. I was spiralling into depression. Again. I had not been sleeping. I spent most nights keeping vigil for when he was deep in sleep so I could steal his phone and hope that my mind would not forget the new pattern password he had. The one I pretended not to see. My mind never failed me. And each night, my heart was left more broken than before. There was the night I finally stole her number from his phone. For weeks, I didn't know what to do with it. At 3am one day, I texted her. I thanked her. I thanked her for being all that I could not be. I cried myself to sleep again.

I had run away 8 times, still I returned. I was afraid of being out there. The devil you know is better than the angel you don't know, they say. So I always came back to the misery I knew as home.

Then came the day when I decided to accept I was lost and had no idea what I was doing. But I was sure of what I didn't want anymore. I felt like God had thrown me to the wolves ON PURPOSE. This time, I was wise enough to just follow His lead even when I had no idea where I was going. I let my plans go for His.

Now that things are getting clearer, I feel like God carefully handpicks a few of us and bursts our bubbles. Our perfect lives. Just to teach us how to survive harsh conditions so we can teach others. To teach us that we can overcome anything. I mean, things like this don't often happen to people like 'me' but how else would we stretch? Knowledge from books? Nah. Sometimes we may need to go through the fire. He lets you wander away, learning lessons and gaining experiences, then He comes to find you and considers you more valuable than those who stayed put. You dared to get uncomfortable . You dared not to settle. You dared to allow yourself be talked about. You did not mind the rumours being spread. He would leave 99 men to find just 1 man like this.

"What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them gets lost, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountain and go in search of the one that is lost?  And if it turns out that he finds it, I assure you and most solemnly say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that did not get lost." Matt 18:12-14.

My message is not for everyone so I understand that some people will not take to it. I realize that I've been called to the broken. To give them hope. Because I too was once broken. I went through the fire. I burned. I healed. I survived. And so when I tell You, there is a purpose to all you may be going through and that you will be okay, you'd believe. Not just because I said it but you can see my own testimony.

He alone sees the big picture. Let Him disrupt your plan. Let Him close the door. Let the relationship go. Let the friendship go. Just let Him do his thing. There is beauty in getting lost. You will see it eventually. He's always on purpose.

Peace, love and banana popsicles,


If this has blessed, please share with others. I love you.

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Be the rebel


"I think you go to church too much. You need to find other activities to be involved in."

I'm Miss-smarty-pants who always has a reply to everything but this time, I was speechless. More like confused. Here I was deeply in love with someone who was not impressed with my dedication to service and who I had been praying about for months. Well, it was more of me trying to arm twist God to agree with my choice rather than a prayer asking for His will.

"I'm a chorister. It's what I've been called to do. If I don't attend all those rehearsals, I can't function", I finally mumbled. He shrugged as if to say 'all-these-church-people-and-things-that-don't-make-sense'. I started to question if all I was doing was eye-service.

An argument ensued between the HolySpirit and I later that day.

Me: I really spend a lot of time in church
HS: And?
Me: I want to do other things. I want to perfect my makeup artistry, I want to learn to play the piano, I want to learn to sew.
HS: And church is stopping you?
Me: Well, I'm there all the time.
HS: If they are important to you, you will find a way. Maybe not all at the same time but you will find a way.
Me: Okay
HS: And for that boy? My answer is NO. You have compromised in your thoughts for him too many times. I was silent but apparently you did not get the message.
Me: But I like him a lot
HS: You will like another. You will be alright.


You see, he had mentioned being a 'social drinker'. Whatever that means. Personally, I do not associate with alcohol. Whether frequently or occasionally. It's being my belief over the years. But then I tried to bargain with the HS. 'Maybe, it's not so bad afterall, just like 3 times in a year and it has health benefits', I said after the HS gave a prompting. I was already making compromises.

Another time he said something about fornication not being that big of a deal. He said something like God not being angry at it the way Nigerian pastors make it seem. I knew it was wrong, I said nothing. I compromised.

Too many Christians are sitting on the wall. You know it's not right but you choose silence so they won't say your own is too much. They will tell you even Jesus sat with sinners. But he didn't become them. There was never a doubt, not even for a second as to where Jesus stood. He did not let them influence him, rather he influenced them.

There was a free medical test for girls who were sexually active at the NYSC orientation camp whilst I was a corps member. While people rushed from my hostel, I went back to sleep. Shocked, someone came to ask me why I wasn't going. 'I'm a virgin', I simply said. Nothing prepared me for the laughter that erupted across the room. I smiled and shut my eyes and continued my sleep. I could have whispered it in her ears but I chose against it. If they feel confident speaking about the different kinds of men they've had and things they have acquired from such men then why should I be ashamed of declaring my own stance. Your truth is your truth, my truth is my truth. I refused to be shamed.

In a society where doing is right is scoffed at, you must be dogged and unfazed. Their insecurities and their own inadequacy make them scorn you. They wish they had your kind of courage to choose to do right in the midst of wrong. They want you to bend. Do not. Be unapologetic. Be firm. You are the rebel. Be the light in darkness. You are to illuminate. Do not be covered. So what if you don't have friends because if your stand. You will be alright. You don't need such friends anyway.

-Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father.
- Sexual purity is still demanded by God. Before and during marriage.
- Modesty in dressing is required for both men and women.
-Smoking and drinking are a NO NO for people meant to be the light.
-Loving your neighbours as yourself is expected.
-Obey all of God's commands

Are you a rebel?

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Love is beautiful

Scented candles, petals, chocolates, love notes, cards, gifts, Chinese dining; you just name them! I love Valentine.

Of course, the usual text messages are sent to parents and siblings but nothing beats celebrating love with the one who has your heart. It's a day the world has chosen for the celebration of love (love should be celebrated everyday). It's fun until you don't have a significant other to celebrate it with and you have to come on social media๐Ÿ˜‚

Last Valentine, I got so emotional when a student left me a very sweet note because honestly, I wasn't expecting anything. I hardly opened any of my social media apps that day. Not because I was threatened by the display of love that would be shown and how it would remind me of my single status but I knew I would get irritated by the plethora of advice/motivational talk thrown 'our' way. 'God's love is all you need', 'Dear Singles, take advantage of this time and grow yourself' bla bla bla. But aunty, I've been growing myself na. Abi the people in relationship don't need God's love ni?

Look, love is a beautiful thing and it's ok to desire it. Don't let anyone confuse you. God intended for us to love and be loved. What I however recommend is that you don't sit around waiting for love to find you. Become the kind of person you want to attract. Become whole. Be goal driven. Be financially independent. Be responsible. Be godly. And when he/she finally shows up, you will sow your love on good soil.

Argh, I'm now giving the advice I hate to listen to. Las las! They are right sha. God's love is the ultimate (but we want someone to call us up at 11pm saying sweet nothings. That one too is not bad).

Next year's Valentine, we shall celebrate. Amen? Amen.

*Please don't show my mother this post๐Ÿ˜‚

I pray that you receive all the love that you deserve,

Peace, love and more love,


Thursday, 29 March 2018

Before I die, I will live

"I'm coming home". Those were the exact words I said on the phone to my mother as soon I saw the 'Welcome to Kaduna' signpost at the toll gate. It was a Friday, the 31st of March, 2017. The day I decided to face my fears with shaking feet but a firm resolve to change the story of my life. It was a decision I had to make for myself. Sometimes the only way to move forward is to start again.
I lost myself trying to find me. Fear consumed me. There were different voices in my head but I listened to the only voice that mattered. I packed a suitcase. Nervous, I locked the car keys in the car. I couldn't drive to Kaduna anyway. I picked up my daughter, hopped on a bike and eventually a taxi and never looked back.
I was home! Home represented peace, joy, love, happiness and rest. Home meant getting back to the drawing board. I was back to the very beginning. Unlike the other time when I hid away in my parent's home for months with no one noticing, this time I went to church. Head raised, eyes focused. And when the rumours started as I knew they would, I smiled and went through it gracefully because I was HOME. It didn't matter what anyone said. I finally came to terms with my scars and knew it was not enough to stop me from living. I was not ashamed of starting over me. I am the boss of me.
I knew I was ready for HOME. Because for the first time, I was not overwhelmed by anger. Rather I prayed. For me. My child. He who had hurt me. My future. I was finally ready. Ready to move on. I let God heal me. I stopped pretending I was okay. I let Him be my strength.
Its Friday. The 30th of March 2018. The person I was on this day in 2017 is not who I am today. I discovered strengths I never knew I possessed. I let people love me. I loved people. I found my voice. I fell in love with writing again. I was safe. I was happy. I was free. I was alive. I was HOME.
"Regardless of how off track we think we are, we can always ask God to reorder our steps" - SJR
My name is Love and before I die, I have chosen to live. ๐Ÿ’›
Peace, love and cuddles,

Love. ๐Ÿ˜˜

Friday, 23 March 2018

When life happens


What do you do when life happens? Pre 2013, I basically lived the #babygirl life. I was young, free, ambitious. I lived within my means but my means took very good care of me. I bought things for the future. Shoes for just incase one wedding comes up and we need 'silver shoe'๐Ÿ˜‚ or may be 'grey'. My shoe rack was the dream. My bags? Gosh. I have never been driven by money because we had a very humble beginning. My father would always tell the story of how we (my papa, my mama, me and my bro in my mummy's belly๐Ÿ˜Š) were kicked out of a relatives house at 12 midnight because I spoilt their TV knob. My mama mixed sugar and hot water as 'tea' for us during harmattans.

I will never forget where we came from and it has helped me be friends with anybody- privileged or not. Then came the season where....Sigh, I think I should just leave the rest for the new book.

One day, I racked my wardrobe for any cloth of value I could sell, I found one Senegalese attire I had worn once. I washed, ironed and packed it and called someone up who could help me sell it. I got N15,000. I originally bought for N50,000 during baby girl life๐Ÿ˜Š. I sold my shoes on Facebook and Instagram. Mostly new. I invited some ladies I knew from a Whatsapp group to my house and they came to pick stuff and I just collected whatever they had to offer. I did all these to buy my daughter's food. I remember going for a scan when I was 6 months pregnant and the doctor was worried at the size of my baby. 'She's too small', she said. She asked I immediately started eating lots of healthy food. Food?๐Ÿ˜‚ Where? The garri I drank ehn. No wonder Nifemi likes garri. My former colleague and friend for life, Bisola will buy me food even without me asking because I refused to buy food on credit. Let the hunger kill me. He understood my silence. Once I start to throw up, it meant I was hungry and he would always find something. When I decided to start selling chinchin at the office, he will be the one carrying it around to market. I did not buy ONE shoe or slippers in 3 years and I would still post happy pictures. Once I didn't make my hair in 6 months. My friends, Onome and Eniye gave me clothes. My salary was disbursed the same day it was collected. Thank God we do not look like what we've been through.

So when I tell you that it pays to trust God because He WILL come through, best believe, I am not talking book knowledge, I am speaking from first hand experience.

I am a product of grace. He changed my story, He can change yours if you only believe. ❤

Thursday, 22 March 2018

God is not Arik, He is dependable

My taxi arrived and we set out for Abuja very early. I had an Arik flight to catch from Abuja. The airport was crowded. There were lots of foreigners arriving Nigeria to attend the Calabar Carnival. I got carried away staring at the well-rounded scantily dressed women. They must have been South Africans. God finished work on them abeg๐Ÿค— Our brothers are covered with the blood of Jesus๐Ÿ˜ฅ They soon announced their boarding and few minutes later, the rest of us could breathe again. It was less crowded and oh well...more people with clothes. It was a few minutes to my flight and there was no boarding announcement. I walked up to the ticketing office and I was casually told there was a delay. 'We don't know when we will fly but we will still go, just be patient'. I also then politely told him I wanted to fill a refund form as I would not be flying again. He pointed me to the direction of the office for that. While waiting, I called the cabman who luckily had not yet headed back to Kaduna to come get me. I filled the form and made to leave when a woman with kids who was supposed to be on the same flight asked me to just wait a little that they had assured her they would fly. I told her I had no faith in Arik and wished her all the best. 3 hours later, I was in Kaduna. I was casually scrolling through Instagram when I saw a picture of people who were to fly to the same location and waited till 5pm before they were told they could no longer go.

Some months before this, I booked a Turkish flight and before I even paid I was told there will be a 12 hours wait before the connecting flight and I still paid (Emirates was a 3 hour wait but I would save money with Turkish which would be used for shopping๐Ÿ˜‰ My mother thought it was the most foolish decision ever). I gladly prepared for these 12 hours. I had music, books and lots of window shopping and food tasting. I did not have a doubt in my mind that I would wait past 12 hours. I knew at the end of 12 hours, I would be on the plane. No stories. No go-come. Turkish as well as many International airlines have managed to build an infallible system that just works. Honestly, I didn't have to pray about it. I had absolute and complete faith in them. They do not have a track record of failing, why would they start with me?

Nigeria is a developing country and they can't help it- too many factors; economical, political, religious, corruption cause them to fail (notice how I wrote 'them'๐Ÿ˜‚ I have removed myself). Even when 'they' do not want to fail, the way the system is set up, it's impossible not to. It's like putting your trust in man. Even when He has the best intentions, because he is a man, he is prone to disappoint you. He has his own issues, he may change his mind about you, resources he was expecting may not come through etc.

Trusting in God however is different. No matter how long He takes, you have the assurance that He WILL come through because He is God. It is impossible for Him to fail or cancel a flight๐Ÿ˜‚. If He says He will do it then He will do it. So wait 12 hours if you have to or 12 years or 60 years knowing that your flight will leave eventually because He is not Arik๐Ÿคฃ. Trust me, with God, it is not a delayed flight, it will just be right on time. What you do in the waiting is also important. You must be glad, joyful with no murmuring or complain.

Peace, love and sunshine,


P.s if this has blessed you share with others. ๐Ÿ˜˜